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Video: Ghanaian Spiritualist rains curses on persons trying to push LGBTQ+ Agenda in Ghana.

Ghanaian Spiritualist rains curses on persons trying to push LGBTQ+ Agenda in Ghana.

The Vice President of the United States of America was in Ghana last month and part of her purpose for visiting Ghana was to advocate for equal rights for members of the LGBTQ community. Her comments didn’t sit well with many Ghanaians who saw her comments as offensive considering Ghana is a sovereign nation with its own laws.

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Social media was set ablaze as many were alarmed by Kamala’s comment and even more worrying was that the President of Ghana, Nana Akufo Addo couldn’t boldly affirm the stance of Ghana against LGBTQ practices. He is reported to have said “My understanding … is that substantial elements of the bill have already been modified as a result of the intervention of the attorney general,”

A lot of Ghanaians have taken to social media to kick against the legalization of the LBGTQ in Ghana and have called for the expedited passing of the Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill.

A Ghanaian spiritualist has also rained curses on all persons trying to push the LGBTQ agenda in Ghana. In a video shared by Zylux Media, the spiritualist is seen pouring libation and invoking curses on those trying to push the agenda, those who may be tempted to accept and legalize homosexuality in Ghana and those who will be practising the act.

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There is a full version of the interview on Zylus Media’s youtube page in which the spiritualist known by the name Togbui talked extensively about the LGBTQ. Watch the Full Video HERE

He opined that anyone born of a man and woman trying to force LGBTQ down the throats of the sovereign people of Ghana has indirectly fought against the almighty God and other deities and will incur the wrath of God.