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According to Body Language Experts, Liars Show These Subtle Signs.

Signs of a liar

People tend to lie mostly to get themselves out of certain situations and at times they lie just to gain some undeserving advantage over you. Being lied to is unfair and at times we only wish to know when we are being lied to so we don’t end up being cheated.

As humans, our communication is not just limited to verbal exchanges. However, we can communicate through nonverbal cues such as facial expressions and body language.

These cues can reveal a lot about what a person is feeling, including whether or not they are lying to you. While no single cue can conclusively indicate whether someone is lying, there are several cues to look out for when trying to detect deception.

This article will look at three main nonverbal ways to communicate that often can give a hint that someone is lying to you. They are as follows:

Liars Show These Subtle Signs

1. Facial Expressions

Facial expressions can reveal a lot about what a person is feeling. When someone is lying, they may try to control their facial expressions to appear calm and composed, but there are still a few telltale signs to look out for:

  1. Microexpressions are brief facial expressions that reveal a person’s true emotions, even if they are trying to hide them. Look for fleeting expressions of surprise, fear, disgust, or contempt that occur for just a fraction of a second.
  2. Lack of facial expression: A person who is lying may try to control their facial expressions to avoid giving anything away. They may avoid making eye contact, smile or frown less than usual, or have a flat, emotionless expression.
  3. Covering the mouth or face: Some people may unconsciously cover their mouth or face when they are lying as if to hide their deception. This can signify that they are trying to suppress their true emotions or thoughts.
  4. Forced smiles or laughter: A person who is lying may force a smile or laugh to appear relaxed and confident. However, these smiles or laughs may seem unnatural or forced, as if they are putting on an act.

2. Body Language

Body language can also reveal a lot about what a person is feeling. When someone is lying, they may try to control their body language to appear calm and composed, but there are still a few cues to look out for:

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  1. Lack of eye contact: A person who is lying may avoid making eye contact or may only make fleeting eye contact. This can be a sign that they are uncomfortable with the situation or are trying to avoid giving anything away.
  2. Fidgeting or nervous movements: A person who is lying may fidget, play with their hair, or make other nervous movements. These movements can be a sign that they are uncomfortable or anxious about being caught in a lie.
  3. Defensive body language: A person who is lying may adopt defensive body language, such as crossing their arms, hunching their shoulders, or leaning away from the person they are lying to. This can be a sign that they are trying to create a physical barrier between themselves and the other person.
  4. Inconsistent gestures or movements: A person who is lying may make inconsistent or contradictory gestures or movements. For example, they may nod their head while saying no, or scratch their nose while answering a question.

3. Other Cues

In addition to facial expressions and body language, there are a few other cues to look out for when trying to detect deception:

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  1. Inconsistencies in their story: A person who is lying may have trouble keeping their story straight. Look for inconsistencies or contradictions in their story, or ask them to repeat the story to see if it changes.
  2. Changes in their voice: A person who is lying may have changes in their voice, such as a higher or lower pitch, or a shaky or trembling voice. These changes can be a sign that they are nervous or anxious about being caught in a lie.
  3. Delayed or evasive answers: A person who is lying may take longer to answer questions or may give evasive answers. They may also repeat the question to buy time to come up with a lie.
  4. Overcompensating: A person who is lying may try to overcompensate by providing too much detail or being overly emphatic

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