Seven (7) Best Low-capital Intensive Side Hustles for Government Workers.

Side Hustles for Government Workers

Being a government worker in Ghana means your salary is almost insufficient to cover your expenses. We will discuss some Side Hustles for Government Workers that require very little capital in this article. With the increasing rate of prices of goods and services in the country, it has become necessary to explore other alternate sources … Read more

Relationship between Self Respect and self-esteem: 7 Signs you lack self-respect.

Signs you lack self-respect

This article establishes the relationship between self respect and self-esteem and how they affect each other. We also delve into Signs you lack self-respect and outline possible ways to work on yourself. Relationship between Self Respect and Self-esteem The link between lack of self-respect and low self-esteem is intertwined. When you lack self-respect, you may … Read more

Pacminer is a complete scam.

Pacminer is a complete scam.

Pacminer is a complete scam: This wouldn’t be the first time an app will crop up claiming to help double your money overnight. Pacminer is no exception. For those wondering what Packminer is, it is a self-styled fake cryptocurrency and bitcoin mining platform that claims to mine bitcoin online with a virtual machine you buy … Read more

Addressing Learning Loss: Strategies to Support Students Who Have Experienced Academic Setbacks Due to Disruptions in Education

Addressing Learning Loss.

The COVID-19 pandemic and other unforeseen disruptions have significantly impacted students’ education worldwide, resulting in a learning loss. As students return to classrooms, it becomes crucial for educators and policymakers to implement effective strategies to address this issue. This article explores various techniques that can support students who have experienced academic setbacks, helping them regain … Read more

Managing work-related stress; Five (5) Effective ways to manage stress.

Five (5) Effective ways to manage stress 2

Five (5) Effective ways to manage stress. Work-related stress refers to the physical, mental, and emotional strain that individuals experience as a result of their work or work environment. It occurs when the demands of a job exceed an individual’s ability to cope with them effectively. Work-related stress can arise from various factors, including high … Read more

Seven (7) foods that prevent memory loss and improve memory

Seven (7) foods that prevent memory loss

Seven (7) foods that prevent memory loss. Memory loss is a common problem that many people face especially as they age. There are many factors that can contribute to memory loss such as genetics, stress and lack of sleep and excessive alcohol consumption. Memory loss may not be reversible but fortunately, there are also certain … Read more