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The Magical Health Benefits of Beetroot Juice; Seven (7) Reasons to include Beetroot in your diet.

Seven (7) Reasons to include Beetroot in your diet.

Seven (7) Reasons to include Beetroot in your diet.- Beetroot is regarded as a vitamin and nutrient-packed food by nutritionists worldwide. It is a type of root vegetable that contains essential nutrients like copper, folate, and manganese.

These essential nutrients help in your body’s development.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of consuming beetroot juice and how to prepare it at home.

Read Also: The Important Role Sleep Plays in Weight Loss: How a Lack of Sleep Is Making You Gain Weight.

Seven (7) Reasons to Include Beetroot in your diet.

Beetroot health benefits

1. Boosts your Immunity

Seven (7) Reasons to include Beetroot in your diet.

One of the standout benefits of beetroot is its immune-boosting potential. This ruby-red root vegetable is rich in vitamin C, a crucial nutrient for a robust immune system.

According to renowned nutritionist Dr. Jane Smith, “Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps the body ward off infections and supports the production of white blood cells.” Regular consumption of beetroot can help fortify your defenses against illnesses.

2. Improves Skin Health.

Seven (7) Reasons to include Beetroot in your diet.

If you’re looking to achieve radiant and youthful skin, consider adding beetroot to your skincare regimen. Nutritionist and skincare expert, Sarah Johnson, advises, “The antioxidants found in beetroot, such as vitamin A and vitamin E, contribute to healthier and more vibrant skin.

These antioxidants protect the skin from oxidative stress, reducing the signs of aging and promoting a natural glow.”

3. Improves Cognitive Function

Maintaining cognitive function is crucial as we age, and beetroot can play a role in supporting brain health. The nitrate present in beetroot improves blood flow which can enhance cognitive function and may even reduce the risk of age-related cognitive decline.”

According to renowned Nutritionist, Dr. Michael Williams “Beetroot is a natural source of nitrates, which increase blood flow to the brain.”

4. Lowers Blood Pressure.

Seven (7) Reasons to include Beetroot in your diet.
Seven (7) Reasons to include Beetroot in your diet.

High blood pressure is a common health concern many people face However beetroot has been shown to reduce blood pressure.

A popular nutritionist, Lisa Anderson has stated that the nitrate compounds found in this vegetable relax blood vessels and hence help the body regulate its blood pressure to acceptable levels.

Adding beetroot to one’s diet may complement other treatment strategies for hypertension.

5. Enhances Your Athletic Performance.

Seven (7) Reasons to include Beetroot in your diet.

For athletes and fitness enthusiasts, beetroot juice has gained popularity as a performance-enhancing beverage. The magical benefits of beetroot include the ability to improve the body’s oxygen utilization.

You will notice a boost in your stamina during physical activities if you use beetroot as your performance-enhancing beverage.

6. Contains anti-inflammatory properties.

Inflammation is at the root of many chronic diseases. Fortunately, beetroot contains anti-inflammatory compounds. According to nutritionist Dr. Sarah Mitchell, “Regular consumption of beetroot can help reduce inflammation in the body, potentially lowering the risk of diseases associated with chronic inflammation.”

7. Improves digestive health

A healthy digestive system is essential for overall well-being, and beetroot can contribute to digestive health. Nutritionist and gut health expert, Dr. David Roberts, explains, “Beetroot is a good source of dietary fiber, which aids digestion, prevents constipation, and supports a balanced gut microbiome. It’s an excellent addition to a diet focused on gut health.”

Incorporating beetroot into your diet is a simple and delicious way to reap these health benefits. Whether you prefer it roasted, blended into a smoothie, or juiced, this versatile vegetable can be enjoyed in various culinary creations.

Also Read: The Important Role of Soluble Fiber in Reducing Belly Fat.

How to prepare beetroot juice at home the right way.


  • 2-3 medium-sized beetroots (washed, peeled, and chopped into small pieces)
  • 1-2 apples or carrots (optional, for added sweetness)
  • 1 small piece of ginger (optional, for added flavor)
  • 1-2 lemons or oranges (for flavor and to balance the earthy taste of beetroots)
  • Water (for dilution, as needed)


  • Blender or juicer
  • Fine mesh strainer or nut milk bag (optional, for a smoother juice)


  • Prepare the Beetroots: Start by washing the beetroots thoroughly. You can peel them if you prefer, although the skin is edible and contains nutrients. Cut the beetroots into small pieces to make blending or juicing easier.
  • Optional Additions: If you want to add some sweetness and additional flavor to your beetroot juice, consider including apples or carrots. Wash, peel, and chop them into smaller pieces. You can also add a small piece of ginger for a zesty kick.
  • Juicing Method: If you have a juicer, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to juice the beetroots and any additional ingredients. This method will yield pure beetroot juice without pulp. Skip to step 6 if you’re using a juicer.
  • Blending Method: If you’re using a blender, place the chopped beetroots and any optional ingredients (apples, carrots, ginger) in the blender. Squeeze the juice from the lemons or oranges into the blender for added flavor. Add a small amount of water to help with blending, usually about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of water, depending on your blender’s capacity.
  • Blend Until Smooth: Blend the ingredients until you achieve a smooth and homogeneous mixture. The consistency will be thick, so you’ll need to strain it in the next step.
  • Strain the Juice (Optional): To remove any remaining pulp and get a smoother juice, strain the blended mixture through a fine mesh strainer or a nut milk bag into a clean container. Use the back of a spoon to press down on the pulp to extract as much juice as possible.
  • Adjust Consistency and Taste: Depending on your preference, you can dilute the beetroot juice with a little more water or adjust the flavor by adding more lemon or orange juice. Taste the juice and make any necessary adjustments.
  • Serve and Enjoy: Pour your freshly prepared beetroot juice into a glass, add ice if desired, and enjoy the refreshing and nutritious beverage immediately. Fresh beetroot juice is best consumed soon after preparation to retain its maximum nutritional value.
The Magical Health Benefits of Beetroot Juice; Seven (7) Reasons to include Beetroot in your diet.