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NDC’s Muntaka Mubarak affirms support for the 10% tax on sports bet winnings.

Muntaka Mubarak

Mohammed-Muntaka Mubarak, the Asawase Member of Parliament, has taken a differing stance from the National Democratic Congress regarding the 10% withholding tax on sports betting.

Despite the NDC party’s youthful wing officially rejecting the contentious tax policy, Muntaka Mubarak has expressed his support for it.

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The former Minority Chief Whip believes that individuals engaging in sports betting should not be opposed to the idea of paying taxes on their winnings.

While the party maintains its position against the tax, Muntaka Mubarak holds the view that punters should be comfortable with contributing a portion of their earnings through taxation.

Speaking in an interview on Angel FM, Mubarak Muntaka said, “Betting is haram and taxing is a way to develop the country. Anyone who earns income from working deserves to pay tax, so the question is don’t they get profit from betting?”

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He added, “If it was their capital that is being taxed that will be the problem but it is rather the earnings that are being taxed. I get taxed for the income I earn from working, so why don’t they want to pay tax?”

The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) announced that persons who engage in sports betting and lottery would have to pay a 10% tax on all earnings starting on August 15.

The government’s recent 10% on bet winnings policy has sparked significant concern among Ghana’s youth, who actively participate in sports betting.

George Opare Addo, the National Youth Organizer of the party, released a statement in which the party conveyed a warning of potential protests if the tax measure is not revoked.

The statement added “We INTEND to do the following; Picket at the Ministry of Finance and occupy government offices across the country. Start and scale up nationwide conventional and unconventional lawful agitations as a measure of the resistance.

Instigate young people to confront officials of this government and demand AN END to the CORRUPTION and Insensitivity of the Akufo-Addo-Bawumia-failed brigade, and Occupy Parliament and other government agencies.”