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Dates for Voter Registration exercise and DLE announced.

Voter Registration

The date for the 2023 voter registration exercise and District Level Elections has been announced by the Electoral Commission (EC).

According to the EC registration of voters will start on Tuesday, September 12, 203, and end on Monday, October 2. The EC predicts that it will register 1,350,000 persons by the close of the registration exercise.

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Elections at the district level are expected to start on December 19 this year in 6,272 electoral areas with the exception of Nkoranza North and South in the Bono East Region.

The EC, chairperson Jean Mensa Giving details of the announcement at a press briefing in Accra on Thursday, August 17 dubbed “let the citizen know”, indicated that at the time of the last registration exercise in 2020, the National Identification Authority(NIA) had registered over 10 million persons.

Jean Mensa, the Electoral Commissioner of Ghana