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Osofo Kyiri Abosom cautions Nana Addo against Military Interferance In Niger.

Osofo Kyiri Abosom, the 2020 presidential aspirant and founder of Ghana Union Movement (GUM) has cautioned the Government to desist from interfering in external military affairs in Niger.

The politician and man of God stated in a press briefing that he will lead a protest if the President, Nana Addo sends the Ghanaian military to intervene in the ongoing coup crises.

Read Also: I will Ban the use of condoms when I become president- Osofo Kyiri Abosom.

The press briefing held saw TV stations like Oyerepa and Tv Africa and other party loyalists in attendance. Kyiri Abosom stressed that Ghana needs to focus on addressing its own internal challenges. He appealed to the president not to participate in actions that could lead to the loss of life of our own military personnel.

Read Also: Osofo Kyiri Abosom Divorces his Wife.

“We want to advise and propose a strong admonishing to our President Nana Akuffo Addo not to participate in the ECOWAS decision to send the military to Niger. We are not going to support that. As a citizen of Ghana, all those motivating Ghana to go for a fight must desist from it since Ghana is not prepared to fight our neighboring country”

“Africa needs to unite but not to fight amongst ourselves….”

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