Seven (7) Ways to deal with a nagging girlfriend.

Seven (7) Ways to deal with a nagging girlfriend.

Seven (7) Ways to deal with a nagging girlfriend. Having a nagging girlfriend can be frustrating and exhausting, but it’s important to remember that she’s likely nagging because she cares about you and wants to see you succeed. Most partners will nag because there is something specific they would like to change about you however … Read more

These five (5) Jobs will be replaced by computers in the next decade and jobs that will stand the test of time.

Jobs will be replaced by computers in the next decade

As technology advances and automation becomes more prevalent, some jobs may become obsolete in the next decade. Already we have seen jobs that continue to be obsolete because relying on manpower alone is not efficient and slows down progress. Jobs like that of fuel station attendants have become obsolete in most parts of the world … Read more

Ten (10) less expensive gifts and things to do on Valentine’s day.

Ten (10) less expensive gifts and things to do on Valentine's day.

Ten (10) less expensive gifts and things to do on Valentine’s day Valentine’s Day is a special day for couples to express their love and affection for one another. However, the pressure to spend a lot of money on gifts can make the day stressful and expensive. Fortunately, there are many ways to show your … Read more

History and Facts about Valentine’s Day or Lupercalia 14th February.

History and Facts about Valentine's Day or Lupercalia 14th February.

Valentine’s Day celebrated annually on February 14th, is a holiday that is observed in many countries around the world. It’s a day that is associated with love and romance, and it’s a time when people exchange gifts, cards, and flowers with their loved ones. But what is the history behind this popular holiday? Pagan Origin … Read more

Six (6) ways to protect yourself from being scammed by fake online stores.

Six ways to avoid being scammed by fake online shop

The world of business continues to evolve. Human beings are constantly finding more convenient ways of buying and selling. The internet has become a very useful tool and the very life force of e-commerce but fake online stores continue to operate. Like all good things, there is also the bad side and mostly those who … Read more

The five (5) most important steps to command respect at the workplace.

Being able to command respect in the workplace or wherever you find yourself is an uncommon trait that very few people possess. There is a clear difference between commanding respect and demanding respect. The difference between the two is based on how respect is obtained. Commanding respect in the workplace means that the respect is … Read more

Don’t invite these five (5) categories of people to your wedding.

Five people you shouldn't invite to your wedding

Weddings are special occasions that most times require a lot of planning. Anything that needs planning comes with some variables that are out of control. If you have been wondering whom you should and shouldn’t invite to your wedding then this is it. Below are five types of people you shouldn’t invite to your wedding: … Read more