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Before you rent any apartment consider these Seven (7) factors so you don’t mess up.

Before you rent any apartment

Before you rent any apartment There are certain factors to consider those factors will be discussed in this article.

When it comes to renting an apartment, you have to consider a number of things so you wouldn’t regret your decision later. At times it will be too late to relocate hence you are faced with enduring your unpleasant situation until the end of your tenancy. If you have rented before then you will relate to some of these factors. However, if it is your first time, be sure you will avoid mistakes many of us made and still regret.

Before you rent any apartment, consider the following factors to avoid regrets.

1. Location and convenience of the apartment:

There is a purpose for which you are renting a room or an apartment. If the location of the place doesn’t suit your taste or preference then you would have to reconsider your decision. For instance, if you are renting a place that is closer to your work or business and you realize that the cost of transport to and fro from work monthly is more than what you would spend as rent then such a location is not ideal. You should try other options that fit your budget if available.

2. Budget and Rent Payment Schedule:

Depending on how much you can afford, you may want to know what the payment schedule for the place is like. Some landlords prefer advance rent payment while others prefer to collect their rent quarterly or monthly. The Two programs come with their ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES.

The advantage of paying rent in advance is that you get to live debt free. Also once you have finished paying for the rent two years in advance it means that present changes in the economy don’t alter the cost of the rent. In paying rent in advance you limit any room for landlords to impose preposterous reviewed rent. The only disadvantage is that you may find yourself financially stressed if you don’t have your money ready.

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Paying rent monthly or quarterly has the advantage of creating a breathing space for you to come up with your rent. The disadvantage however is that landlords may choose to increase rent which things are tough and that may not favor you.

3. Make sure you agree to or negotiate the Tenancy Agreement in your favor.

No matter how excited you are over how nice and suitable to taste the place is, take your time to study the tenancy agreement. A lot goes into the preparation of a tenancy agreement hence it is important to understand each clause so your actions may not attract legal implications unknown to you.

Look out for the conditions attached tenancy renewals, pet policy, maintenance, modifications, etc. It may surprise you to know that some apartments prohibit pets, or in some apartments, the tenant takes the cost of any form of maintenance.

Insist on a tenancy agreement if non is provided and at best make sure you collect a receipt as proof of payment.

Before you rent any apartment.

4. Security and Noise Level:

Don’t go and rent an apartment behind a mosque, church, or nightclub, and expect to have peace of mind. If possible visit the place seven days a week before committing. There will always be some recalcitrant noise makers and there’s not much you can do.

It will also be in your best interest to perform some underground studies on the security of the location. Some localities are like shopping malls for thieves and armed robbers so be on guard.

5. Access to Amenities:

If you are planning on renting a place, another thing to consider is access to certain amenities like hospitals, pharmacies, gas-filling stations, etc. It is important to consider this as a factor to limit your cost of getting access to such amenities. Also in the case of emergencies, closeness to amenities would be your ally.

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6. Reputation and History of Landlords:

There are some landlords that are terrible horrible people and wherever they are their reputation precedes them. If you end up with a landlord that is nosy then just know that peace of mind will only be a luxury you can’t afford. This is why it is important that before you rent any apartment, you should ensure you know your landlord.

Some landlords also lack understanding therefore if possible enquire from the existing tenant who you may be dealing with. You can also ask around the area to be sure of whom you may be engaging with.

7. Existing Policies

Some apartments have strict policies that may not favor you the tenant so much so it’s best to perform further investigations. Be sure that the policies in the apartment complex are favorable before you rent any apartment

Some apartments have very strict pet policies and living there means saying goodbye to your pets.

In conclusion, you should be vigilant when getting a place to rent. Don’t let the smiles of your prospective landlord fool you into thinking they are good people. Some Landlords regard their tenants as cash cows and will deplore any means necessary to take your money therefore it is important that before you rent any apartment, you ensure that you know what you are getting into.

You should also consider these above-mentioned factors when negotiating.

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