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V/R: Young man beats girlfriend’s mother for failing to support their relationship

Young man beats girlfriend's mother for failing to support their relationship

How far would you go for love, especially when your partner’s parents aren’t in support of your relationship? Some will go as far as spending all their fortune to prove their worth but this is not the case for a young man who decided to give her partner’s mother some severe beatings.

Her crime was, failing to support their relationship. The beatings resulted in serious injuries on the mother’s face, head and other body parts. This unfortunate incident happened in the Volta region of Ghana.

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According to the victim’s family, the police haven’t handled the case well since it was reported. The family accused the perpetrator of using his influence and links with the police making the case look like a foolish one. they stated that they would take it to a higher level.

The victim has called out to any lawyer who can represent her in court due to her current financial limitations.

This wouldn’t be the first time the young man has taken matters into his own hands and beaten his girlfriend’s mother for refusing to support the relationship.

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“The first call I missed very early this morning was from a relative of the lady in this picture. She is currently in the hospital from an assault by her daughter’s boyfriend which is not the first time. This is because the woman doesn’t support her daughter’s relationship with the guy,” the report said.

It continued: “The elder daughter reported the case to the police and the case is in court but the family can’t afford a lawyer and the case is almost a foolish case because of the man’s links with the police.

They need a lawyer or anyone who can help with this case. Inbox me if you can help. Thank you”