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Two robbers in viral Titok Video apprehended by Ghana Police

Two Guys arrested

The Guys behind the viral video, threatening to forcibly take possession of items from people crossing their proclaimed “demon town,” have finally been arrested by the Ghana police.

The duo shared a video on Tiktok that made its way to Twitter. The disturbing video featuring the two friends portrays the two men brandishing a weapon and bragging about how they can stab anyone who refuses to comply with their robbery demands.

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Concerned citizens tagged Ghana police in the posts demanding they be apprenhed. True to their mandate Ghana Police have successfully arrested them.

Upon their arrest, the police successfully confiscated the sharp objects used by the duo in their purported acts of robbery. Which were allegedly employed to intimidate and coerce victims in the infamous town of Aputuogya.

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The police are yet to release an official statement.