Samsung S24, 24+ and Ultra are going to be the smartest AI phones ever.

the smartest AI phones ever

The ongoing race in the smartphone industry keeps getting more and more competitive each passing year. This year telecom giants have become more focused on exploring the AI ecosystem with Google announcing the integration of “Google Bard” into its Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro flagships. Samsung which has also been actively in the race … Read more

The Seven (7) Best Budget-Friendly Android Phones of 2023 with Impressive Battery Life

budget-friendly android phones

When it comes to choosing and buying a new phone, we consider a lot of factors. All these factors we consider are often within the bracket of our financial strength, the purpose for which we intend to use the phone, and also the durability. Read on to Find out our top-rated budget-friendly Android phones The … Read more

Backward Charging: Shocking Reasons Why Your Phone Reverse Charges.

Backward Charging: Reasons Why Your Phone Charges Backward Sometimes.

Have you ever plugged in your phone on low battery only to return and realize that instead of charging forward, it charges backwards? That is what we call “backward charging” or reverse charging. It often happens to devices powered by a battery. Please Follow Our Social Media Pages Below: If you’re reading this, then you … Read more

MTN announces the date for the return of the Data Zone Bundle

Mtn Zone Bundle returns 5th of May

MTN Ghana, Ghana’s largest telecommunication network has finally announced the return of the zone bundle to its cherished customers. MTN pulled the curtains on the data zone bundle some weeks ago unannounced. This move frustrated a lot of its users because no prior notice was served. Read Also: Video: Osebo the Zara Man opens up … Read more

Layer 7: Brain chip smaller than a human hair that could allow you to use social media with your mind.

Layer 7

The implant is called Layer 7 which is less than a millimetre thick The chip transmits this data wirelessly to computers or smartphones and translates it to real-time clicks and keyboard strokes on a phone or computer Scientists at Precision network have developed a brain implant that would allow users to access social media with … Read more

Elon Musk’s miracle brain chips to be tested in humans soon- Neuralink CEO confirms.

Elon Musk’s wireless brain chips which are currently under development at his company, Neuralink are expected to undergo human clinical trials in the next six months. Founder of Neuralink, Elon Musk said on Wednesday that his company is taking every precautionary step to ensure that the chip works as it should before implanting it into … Read more