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UEW lecturer manually fixes potholes in his community.

UEW lecturer manually fixes potholes in his community.

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A young lecturer from the University of Education, Winneba has opted to fill the bad potholes in his community after realizing no one is making the effort.

The lecturer shared his cause on Facebook as a way to inspire other youth to take charge and champion similar activities in their neighborhood.

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The lecturer elaborated that he was inspired to take action after participating in the US Government Youth Exchange and Study (YES) when he was young.

He expressed his frustration when he started the cause. According to the brilliant lecturer, passersby would overlook the obvious problem with the potholes.

See his Facebook post Below:

This is my second year in the neighborhood I currently live. And I have noticed that everyone looks at the giant potholes on the road and does nothing about them. Last year, I got one of the boys in the neighborhood to help fill them with the dirt but once it rained, we were back to square one.

So this year, having braved the small rivers, I thought we should have a more aggressive approach to these potholes matter. So with the help of two of my students, we hunted out broken bricks from the neighborhood to fill the biggest pothole (which had turned into a mini-river).

Some highlights:

1. Most of the neighbors passing didn’t even greet us.

2. Those who passed didn’t offer to join (except one neighbor).

3. Those who passed didn’t even offer to get us sachet water.

4. A guy passing with his car decided to stop, didn’t offer us any help, but rather asked if we will just leave the protruding bricks like that 😒

5. The gentleman who stopped to help us is a fellow brother from Wa. He initially wanted to buy the boys water but when he saw me he decided to join the work.

Final thoughts:

The best way to teach is to do. Set an example. I never like giving people work and not joining in myself. I pray I’ll never reach a point in my life where I think myself too high to do certain tasks myself.

I feel full of the spirit of volunteerism and do for self that I learned on my one year exchange program in the United States with the Youth Exchange and Study (YES) where we were often encouraged to participate in volunteer activities during our exchange year. So this is just one of the volunteer activities I still find myself doing that I ascribe to the lessons learnt during this pivotal time in my young life. I will always appreciate this. I hope this year’s YES Students take full advantage of these character building opportunities in their time with YES in the United States.