Seven (7) Best Low-capital Intensive Side Hustles for Government Workers.

Side Hustles for Government Workers

Being a government worker in Ghana means your salary is almost insufficient to cover your expenses. We will discuss some Side Hustles for Government Workers that require very little capital in this article. With the increasing rate of prices of goods and services in the country, it has become necessary to explore other alternate sources … Read more

Unlocking Financial Freedom: Six (6) Effective Budgeting Strategies and Proven Saving Techniques

Effective Budgeting Strategies and Proven Saving Techniques

In today’s fast-paced world, achieving financial freedom has become a top priority for many. One of the fundamental pillars of financial freedom is effective budgeting and saving. We will explore various strategies and techniques to help you unlock the path to financial freedom. Here are six (6) very Effective Budgeting Strategies and Proven Saving Techniques … Read more

Bank of Ghana blames huge operational expenditures on Cedi depreciation and inflation.

Loan apps operating illegally in Ghana

The Bank of Ghana (BoG) has responded to accusations of mismanagement by the Minority in Parliament and explained the factors behind the “sharp jump” in its operational expenses during the 2022 financial year. The central bank attributed the increase in expenses to the significant depreciation of the Cedi against the Dollar and the rise in … Read more

The Ghanaian economy is showing signs of stabilisation with softening inflation- IMF

Ghanaian Economy is stabilizing

A team from the International monetary fund (IMF) led by Stephane Roudet was in Ghana between the 8th of June to the 15th, as part of its regular engagement with the Ghanaian economic team and concerned stakeholders. The discussion was about Ghana’s economic development so far since the approval of the IMF on the 17th … Read more