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Seven (7) Signs of weak bones “Osteoporosis”

Seven (7) Signs of weak bones

Our bones are one of the most important parts of our bodies. They play a very crucial role in supporting our muscles, providing a structure for our body, and shielding our brains and other vital organs from external and internal injuries. It is therefore important to look out for the Signs of weak bones

Our bones are capable of supporting us for our lifetime, However, as we age they lose density which predisposes them to fractures and breaks.

The weakening of our bones is called osteoporosis. It affects 1 in 3 women over the age of 50 years and 1 in 5 men and is often only diagnosed when a sudden impact on the body causes a bone to break. In this article, we will touch on some symptoms of bone weakness.

Height Loss:

Osteoporosis can lead to a gradual loss of height over time due to compression fractures in the spine. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, women can lose up to 2 inches in height, and men around 1.2 inches due to these fractures.

Back Pain:

Back pain is a common symptom of osteoporosis, often caused by vertebral fractures. A study published in the journal “Osteoporosis International” estimated that around 40% of women and 15% of men with osteoporosis experience vertebral fractures, leading to chronic back pain.

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Receding Gums:

Osteoporosis can affect the jawbone, leading to gum recession and tooth loss. Research published in the “Journal of Periodontology” suggests a link between osteoporosis and periodontal (gum) disease. Osteoporosis-related jawbone loss can contribute to gum recession.

Poor Posture:

Vertebral fractures due to osteoporosis can cause a stooped or hunched posture known as kyphosis. A study in the “Journal of Bone and Mineral Research” found that individuals with osteoporosis are more likely to develop hyperkyphosis, leading to a forward curvature of the spine and poor posture.

Loss of Grip Strength:

Osteoporosis can weaken the bones in the arms and hands, leading to a decrease in grip strength. A study published in the “Journal of Clinical Densitometry” found a significant association between low bone mineral density and reduced grip strength in both men and women.

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Frequent Fractures:

One of the most concerning signs of weak bones is an increased susceptibility to fractures, even with minimal trauma. The International Osteoporosis Foundation states that individuals with osteoporosis are at a higher risk of fractures, with the most common sites being the hip, spine, and wrist. In the United States, approximately 1.5 million fractures each year are attributed to osteoporosis

Brittle Nails:

While less commonly discussed, brittle nails can also be a sign of osteoporosis. A study published in the “Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism” found that women with osteoporosis were more likely to have brittle nails compared to those without the condition.

Signs of weak bones: Brittle Nails

It is important to note that having any of the above signs doesn’t automatically imply that your bones are getting weak. There could be other underlying reasons. The best thing to do would be to speak to your doctor to rule out any other causes.

Here are some steps to take to reduce your chances of suffering from Osteoporosis.

  1. Engage in regular weight-bearing exercises.
  2. Maintain a balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D.
  3. Avoid unhealthy habits like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

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