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Libya Flooding: Hundreds protest against local authorities

Lybia Flooding
  • Libya was hit by a flood that claimed nearly 400 lives
  • Experts have said the flood could have been avoided.
  • Protesters gathered to demand an investigation into Eastern Libya’s finances.
  • Mayo of Derna and other municipal officials were suspended.

It has been more than a week since a catastrophic Libya flooding claimed the lives of thousands of lives and destroyed countless properties.

Residents of Derna, the eastern part of Libya have gathered to protest against the Local authorities and their parliament for their neglect.

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The flood which claimed nearly 4000 lives according to UN figures could have been averted if authorities evacuated residents on time or issued some form of warning. Experts have said.

Another contributing factor was the bursting of the city’s dam which was poorly maintained.

Protestors who have burned down the mayor of Derna’s house demanded that a speedy investigation be conducted and affected victims be compensated for their loss. Additionally, they want the city’s finances to be investigated.

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Mayo Ghaithi and other municipal officials have been suspended by eastern Libya Prime Minister Osama Hammad.

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Eastern Libya is governed by a parallel government, separate from the UN-recognised government based in Libya’s capital, Tripoli.