Ghana’s Anti LGBTQ bill will undermine its Economy and Public Health – US spokesperson.

The United States government has confirmed that it is deeply troubled by Ghana’s decision to pass anti-LGBTQ laws stressing that it is a threat to the constitutional freedom of the affected.

Mathew Miller, who is the spokesperson for the US State Department spoke on behalf of his government. According to him, the new bill will undermine Ghana’s economy public health, media, and civic spaces.

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“The bill would also undermine Ghana’s valuable public health, media and civic spaces, and economy,” He called for the review of the bill.

Parliament of Ghana under the Fourth Republic passed the new bill on Wednesday which will impose a prison sentence on any individual who identifies as part of the LGBTQ+ community.

Anyone affected is likely to face a prison sentence of up to five years.

The passing of the “Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values” Bill has been criticized by some human rights organizations and some minor groups.

However, the majority of the citizens appear to be in support of the bill.

Rightify Ghana strongly condemned “this regressive legislation, which poses a grave threat to the rights and freedoms of LGBTQ+ individuals in the country”.

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Winnie Byanyima who is the executive director for the UNAids expressed worry over the life threat to those affected stating that it will incite violence against members of the LGBTQ community.

She said that it would “obstruct access to life-saving services, undercut social protection, and jeopardize Ghana’s development success”.

The bill will be presented to President Nana Akufo-Addo after which he’ll have seven days to notify the speaker of parliament whether he assents to the bill or not, according to Ghana’s constitution.

Should he refuse, he then has 14 days to give reasons why, including provisions which in his view should be reconsidered by parliament.