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Gay Rights: Speaker of parliament criticises Kamala Harris’s remarks on LGBTQ rights as undemocratic.

Speaker of parliament criticises Kamala Harris's remarks on LGBTQ rights as undemocratic.
Speaker of parliament criticises Kamala Harris’s remarks on LGBTQ rights as undemocratic.

US Vice-President Kamala Harris’s remarks on LGBTQ rights while in Ghana have been criticised as “undemocratic” by the country’s Speaker.

Speaker of Parliament cautions Nana Addo against intervening in the passing of anti-gay rights bill.

The US vice president Kamala Harris was in Ghana and during her visit, she made some remarks on LGBTQ rights in Ghana that sparked a lot of controversies considering LGBTQ has become a very sensitive topic in the country.

The remarks made by the vice president have been criticised by lawmakers, calling her remarks “undemocratic”.

Ghanaian lawmakers are currently discussing the Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Value Bill – which criminalises advocacy for gay rights and proposes jail terms for those that identify as LGBTQ.

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On Tuesday, 28th March, the speaker of parliament Alban Bagbin urged lawmakers to remain steadfast and not be “intimidated by any person”.

He said, “What is democracy? That someone should have to dictate to me what is good and what is bad? Unheard of because we have decided to devalue ourselves and go begging?”.

Ms Harris had not directly addressed the bill during a joint briefing with President Nana Akufo-Addo on Monday, but said: “This is an issue that we consider to be a human rights issue and that will not change.”

The speaker of parliament in his submission to the house assured Ghanaians and lawmakers that the bill will be passed as it adheres to the constitution of the land. He also cautioned President Nana Akufo Addo against meddling.

“This is a word to the president – there is no way he can intervene. Wait until we pass it, that is where you come in,” he told lawmakers amid cheers and claps.

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Gay sex and marriage in Ghana are considered taboo and offenders caught even before the passing of the law may stay up to three years imprisonment.

Ms Harris aside from other topics also talked about the United States Determination in aiding Ghana’s security to counter-terrorism.

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