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Uniland Festival Organizers Explain Why Pappy Kojo Was Ejected Off-Stage

Uniland Festival Organizers

The Uniland Festival organizers have shared details about an incident involving rapper Pappy Kojo and one of their bouncers.

According to an interview with Rich Focus, the bouncer ejected Pappy Kojo from the stage for insulting the bouncer’s family and mother.

The issues began when a flyer featuring Pappy Kojo’s performance was shared online before the deal was finalized.

Initially, Pappy Kojo was not billed to perform. He was suggested by a member of Kwaw Kese’s team. Despite wanting Kwaw Kese, the organizers started negotiations with Pappy Kojo, who demanded GHC20k, exceeding their budget of GHC10k.

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Moving ahead, the festival’s designer distributed flyers featuring Pappy Kojo, which gained traction on social media.

Despite attempts to persuade Pappy Kojo to accept the GHC10k offer for the performance, he still demanded his GHC20k fee and declared his refusal to participate in the event.

He said: “So we’re talking to one of the guys. That was Sconti (Kwaw Kese’s guy). We wanted Kwaw Kese, not Pappy Kojo. So when that proposal came, we had to consider it. So, at our end, we drafted everything creatively.

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“So our social media guy had posted Kwaw Kese because it was him we wanted, and we had already sent his contract and everything before this. So for the next set of posts, I think Pappy Kojo was part of it. And then we had a call from Sconti that Pappy Kojo was requesting a sum of 20,000 Ghana Cedis to which we said, “No, we can’t do that.”

“We all saw his post on Twitter that he would be going to storm there and everything. I even went to talk to Pappy. I asked him if he was ready to take the 10,000 so he could perform. If not, we can arrange for him and then we can compensate him on the social media post. He said he won’t perform, but he wants his money,”

“So seeing that video after the event, I had to reach out to security to find out what happened, what happened. But according to their side of the story, they said Pappy Kojo was insulting the bouncer, insulting the mother and the family and all of that. So that was what pissed the guy off and he started dragging him out,” he said.