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“Tray of life” -Sarkodie and Tracy Sarkcess celebrate his 34th Birthday Flaunt Their Love On Twitter

Sarkodie and Tracy Sarkcess celebrates his 34th Birthday

Sarkodie and Tracy Sarkcess celebrate his 34th Birthday

Amidst all the controversy surrounding the rapper’s involvement with actress and Producer Yvonne Nelson, one thing we can state for a fact is that the love between Sarkodie and Tracy Sarkcess remains steadfast.

Never Let The Kid In You Destroy The King In You โ€“ Prince David Osei advice Sarkodie. ยป Lifetipster

Ever since Yvonne Nelson Launched her book titled ” I am not Yvonne Nelson” and made some damning revelation of her encounter with King Sark, many have been left wondering if the revelation could break Sarkodie’s home.

Read Also: Sarkodie should be arrested- Listowel Mensah.

Replying to the contents of the book in his recent song release, “Try Me” made matters worse.

One person whom many expected a reaction from was the wife of the Rapper Tracy Sarkcess. With all the ongoing exchange and lambast from other celebrities, some even advising Mrs. Owusu Addo to divorce his husband, the devout wife remained silent.

Well, today marks the 34th birthday of Ghanaian rapper Sarkodie and by all indications, all is well in the Owusu Addo household.

Tracy Sarkcess to celebrate her husband’s 34th birthday shared photos of her of herself and boo, Sark chilling in their corner. Her caption to the photo read “Happy birthday LOVE”. Sarkodie who is already being showered with all the love from his fans replied “Tray of life” with some love emojis.


Check out the tweet below.