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“Nana Addo regards Pensioners as f00ls”- Kevin Taylor

Nana Addo Regards Pensioners as fools Kevin Taylor

Ghanaian, US-based broadcast journalist and founder of Loud Silence Media, Kevin Taylor has stated in a video he posted on his Facebook page that, the president of Ghana, Nana Akuffo Addo doesn’t care about the pensioners in the country and as such regards them as fools.

The journalist and a stern critic of the government expressed his disappointment with how the president has chosen to remain silent over all that is happening with the country’s economy. In his view, the president cannot relate to the suffering of the average Ghanaian and hence he doesn’t feel for them as a normal person would.

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Kevin Taylor added that the president doesn’t care about what pensioners go through under his disastrous government. He referred Nana Addo to the Covid-19 era when he was actively communicating with Ghanaians because he wanted to secure monies from the IMF and World Bank for his selfish interest.

Watch the Video Below:

It can be recalled that the Finance minister announced that the pension funds of retirees in Ghana will suffer a haircut under the IMF debt restructuring program. The announcement was met with strong opposition from the Labour unions.

Ken Ofori Atta is reported to have said “Look into your heart and ask whether what has been offered is so injurious versus your contribution to our economy,”

“Hand on heart I feel (the deal offered) is good for you and good for the nation.”

Public sector workers are already feeling the heat of the economic challenges faced in the country. The Ghanaian president nana Addo Dankwa AkufoAddo is yet to comment on the