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Five (5) Characteristics that differentiate fake and genuine people.

Characteristics that differentiate fake and genuine people.
Characteristics that differentiate a fake and genuine friend.

Characteristics that differentiate fake and genuine people.

One of the hardest things in life is being able to distinguish between fake and genuine people. Unfortunately, human beings have the rare ability to pretend to be good people when they are in fact, terrible people. It’s not always easy to know who to trust, but it’s important to surround yourself with people who are genuine, supportive, and loyal.

In as much as it is hard to tell apart a fake friend and a genuine friend, the following character traits are common and easy to spot. Here are characteristics that differentiate fake and genuine people.

1. They are always there for you

One of the main ways to tell if someone is a real friend is if they are consistently there for you when you need them. Real friends will be there to celebrate your successes, listen to your problems, and help you through difficult times. They won’t be there only when it’s convenient for them or when they need something from you. They genuinely care about you and want to support you in any way they can.

On the other hand, fake people may only show up when they need something from you or when they want to be seen with you in public. They may not be there for you when you need them the most and may not be reliable in difficult situations. Even when you have asked them to be there for you, they always come up with flimsy excuses.

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2. They are honest with you

Real friends are honest with you, even when it’s hard to hear. They will tell you the truth, even if it’s not what you want to hear. They will give you constructive criticism when needed and won’t hesitate to point out your flaws. This is because they care about you and want to see you grow and improve. Having friends with this specific character trait is a plus.

Fake will only tell you what you want to hear to gain your favour. They may be quick to give insincere compliments and avoid confrontation. They may also gossip behind your back and spread rumours, causing drama and conflict. Additionally, if you have friends that gossip about others to you constantly then you may be dealing with an ingenuine person.

3. They respect your boundaries

Real and honest people respect your boundaries and won’t pressure you to do something you’re not comfortable with. They won’t judge you for your decisions and will support you, even if they disagree with you. They understand that everyone has their own boundaries and limitations.

Fake people may try to push your boundaries and make you feel uncomfortable. They may be disrespectful and insensitive to your needs, making you feel like you’re not being heard or understood. They usually do this to mask their true nature, that is being a fake person.

4. They are genuinely happy for your successes

Real people are genuinely happy for your successes and will celebrate with you. They won’t be envious or try to undermine your achievements. They will be proud of you and support you in your endeavours. How the smile at you when you are winning reveals a lot about them. Check for a real smile, that is the one that reveals “crow feets” at the corners of their eyes.

Fake people may be jealous of your successes and may try to bring you down or diminish your achievements. They may try to compete with you or make themselves look better by putting you down. To them, your achievements will always be small and feel uncomfortable in your proud moments.

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5. They have your best interests at heart

Real friends have your best interests at heart and will put your needs before their own. They will support your goals and dreams and help you achieve them. They will be there for you through thick and thin and won’t abandon you when things get tough. The best way to complement a person that will put your needs before theirs is to put their needs before yours.

Fake people, on the other hand, maybe more concerned with their own needs and desires. They may be self-centred and only care about their own interests. They may use you to get what they want and abandon you when you’re no longer useful to them.

In as much as you may not have total control over who comes into your life, you get to decide the role you will allow them to play in your life. Therefore, it’s important to surround yourself with genuine, supportive, and loyal people.

A real person will be there for you, be honest with you, respect your boundaries, be happy with your successes, and have your best interests at heart.

Fake people may only be there for their own interests and may not be reliable in difficult situations. By understanding the differences between fake and real people, you can build stronger and more meaningful relationships with those who truly care about you

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